Monday, June 7, 2010

It's started with a stupidity.

I never drink any jesscool (gak. gw sama sekali tidak dibayar sedikitpun buat nulis ini merk. but i guess it'll means a lot started today...)

Tapi tiga biji sariawan yang tiba meng-invasi mulut jadi alesan yg cukup buat nyoba minum obat panas dalam.

And then, somebody told me: "Jesscool ajaa... Itu ngaruh lho sama aku..."

Jadi gw berpikir: oke, kenapa gak dicoba. I need some medicine anyway.

Akhirnya gw ngebeli satu kotak jesscool. Dan pas buka baru nyadar, kalo bentuknya tablet effervescent (bener gak ya spell nya? yah. gak penting)

Yg jelas itu tablet harus dimasukin ke air dingin, dibiarin ancur, terus diminum.

Dan dengan pengetahuan gw yg dangkal, gw pun ngelakuin itu. Air nya mula berubah trus ada buih2nya. I decided to drink it.

Ternyataa... tabletnya blom hancur sepenuhnya.

Oh dear GOD.

Nyangkutlah itu si jesscool tersayang di leher. Took me sekitar 4-5 gelas aer buat ngebuat itu tablet gak nyangkut lagi.

It's a pure stupidity.

But then the nicest thing of the day happen.

Karena gw ngerasa ini adalah hal bodoh yang akan sangat menyenangkan untuk diceritain, gw pun nelpon si 'somebody' yang nyaranin buat minum jesscool.

And it was my best decison by far.

Dari rencananya cuma mau laporan -dan sedikit bikin dia ngerasa bersalah- i ended up having a really nice, and of course stupid, conversation.

That was our first. From so many to comes, i hope. And it Felt amazingly great.

And it change the day from the laring -new word. means: Lame and Boring- one.

Into a good and memorable one.

Unfortunately, it have to end by another stupidity. Pulsa nya abis. --"


Here's the moral of the story.

Anything happen for a reason. Even a stupidity.

If i didn't unsuccessfully drinking that simple jesscool, i won't have those conversation.

The simple thing that brighten my day to the fullest.

Something that get me smile for hours. And even for days. If i look back and remember.

And something that makes me learn something new. About someone new. About someone important.

So let's move this ride on again, shall we?

I'm sure there will be plenty of stupidity that will come out and coloring our days...


  1. call me! *wink wink*
    hahahaha :D

  2. i did, didn't i?

    and i will keep on doing that.
    believe me.


  3. really? males-login-haha?

    what a name.
    yet it just so you.
