Friday, November 2, 2012

Love Is That Kind Of Thing...

The kind of thing that makes you singing all day long, smiling all month long, and shining all year long.

The kind of thing that makes you cranky all day long, crying all month long, and gloomy all year long.

The kind of thing that makes you crave for more. Every second, every minute, every hour, and every day.

The kind of thing that makes you screaming for less. Every second, every minute, every hour, and every day.

The kind of thing that makes you insecure, nervous, excited. All at the same time. All at the same mind.

The kind of thing that makes you realizes that gravity actually existed. And we can't resist it. Even for a bit.

The kind of thing that makes you fall. And enjoying the fall. And addicted to the fall.

The kind of thing that makes you hurt. Yet still coming back for more. And more. And more. And more.

The kind of thing that makes you love your life.

The kind of thing that makes you hate your life.

Love is that kind of thing.

And much more.


  1. Woi admin tolol.... mikir lu goblok banget gara2 otak ditaruh disela2 pantat...

    1. ni orang di atas gue sotoy banget sh?
      lo tuh mikir...
      yang nulis berita siapa, yg edit foto siapa
      MY SUPER SOCCER tuh bukan punya admin
      kalo lo ada masalah ya lo dateng ke bos nya sana,
      ngapain ke admin?
      kalo sakit hati tim lo kalah terima dong...masa admin jadi pelampiasan

  2. Ada email ga? Mau ngobrol tentang tawaran di Twitter itu :D
