Sunday, October 25, 2009


let's talk about rollercoaster.
it's the ride that make your heart jumping upside down.
full of excitement, full of screaming...
scary sometimes, but also interesting at the same time...
a one package entertainment.

but there's one feeling people like to forget about this ride.
the feeling that can clearly happen.


u can easily get numb.
when u had soo many rollercoaster in your life.
or maybe even just one, but u used it just one too many.
u lost the enjoyment...
u lost the excitement...
and even u lost the 'scared' feeling that supposed to be there...
u can't feel a thing.
u just... numb.

that happen for sure.
if you didn't get the right rollercoaster.

But when it's right...
i bet u will never had enough...
no matter how often you ride it...
u keep ask for more.. more... and more...

at this point.
u got ur own rollercoaster.
take it,
ride it,
own it,
and never let it go for others...

Thursday, October 8, 2009


they said i'm stupid.


i'm worse than that.

stupid means then dont know that they are doing the wrong things.

i know.
i know this is stupid.
i know this is wrong.
i know this is hurt.

i'm doing this.

For the reason,
that will never be understood.

Let alone by anyone else,
even i dont understand it either.

so, what exactly that made me?

corat-coret malam hari...

Sebulan cuma satu post.
Rekor yang kelewat buruk buat orang yang di awal udah berkoar-koar mau rajin nge-blog. But what can i do?

Gak ada alasan yang jelas si.
Outline enggak. Not even a word. Jangankan word, letter pun blom.

Well, let's blame it on that!
Setelah 3-bulan-penuh-online pas magang kemaren, sekarang gw online cuma buat nge-post artikel. At least 2 a day.
jadi, on my defence, gw jadi ngerasa udah nge-blog.
Padahal mah ya beda jauh.

Ya udah. Lupakan.
Yang jelas, i'm back on a writing zone.

Selalu deh. Dibutuhkan penghancur mood atau insomnia untuk ngebuat gw nulis lagi.
For this post, i get both.

As always, ada sisi positif dari segala hal...

Review dulu ah..
last 2 months, gw balik lagi ke rutinitas kampus.
And by rutinitas i mean selalu telat dan cabut kuliah.., haha..

Padahal, this is the last semester i got this kind of full schedule.

And i believe, i'm gonna freakin miss all this.

especially all my dear friends.

yang sekarang aja udah mulai ilang2, (apa gw-nya? entahlah...)

gmana semester depan?

beberapa blog yang lalu gw sempet ngomongin soal dream...
want it, and u get it...

gw BUTUH itu sekarang...
i need a push..
an 'ON' button...

to at least let me move...
rather just stuck here like a stone.

i have to stop complaining..

tapi kenapa yah, ngeluh di blog ato status tuh enak?
haha.. silly though...
but, believe me, millions people do that.

Kayak sharing penderitaan dengan orang lain yah?
atau just seeking an attention?
or maybe both.

For me,
this is what i have on my mind that need to get out.
to be written,
to be read (yeah, perhaps only really few people read this but i have my other writings that read by hundreds so i wouldnt mind... -nyombong abis... haha...)

echa's sending off...
thanks for reading my complain.
promise u a better and much more meaningful post next time... hehe..

See Ya!!!